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Head Office

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(012) 310-8911

Provincial Offices

Western Cape
(021) 481-5500

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(053) 802-6800

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(043) 707-4900

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(051) 412-7535

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(031) 360-0600

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(018) 384-2877

(011) 781-3495

(013) 762-0000

(015) 295-3300

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Censuses are principal means of collecting basic population and housing statistics required for social and economic development, policy interventions, their implementation and evaluation. South Africa has conducted four Censuses (1996, 2001, 2011 and 2022). Census 2022 was the fourth Census to be conducted since the post democratic elections in 1994 and a number of population and household attributes were measured, and variety of indicators generated.

Census data for all Censuses from 1996 to 2022 are available in the form of ten percent sample. Censuses prior 1996 were conducted separately for RSA and the former homelands (TBVC states). You may access the above information by selecting the year when the study was conducted.

By selecting a year above you will be able to access resources for all census of the selected year.
