Product Development
This page is dedicated to providing information relating to product development and instructions to use online applications. Specific features in various datasets that are incorporated in the product development process and methods are also provided. Any other material to assist users to understand datasets, difinitions and to optimise analysis of given data, forms part of the the section.
Product development processData products for publication are prepared following the ETL process. The survey data or administrative data are extracted from databases that have completed the entire processing. Such datasets are used in analysis and report writing. Datasets are processsed following the standards prescribed in the fundamental principles of official statistics and the South African statistical quality assessment framework.
The publishable data items are extracted from the source databases into dissemination databases. Various tools including SAS and SQL are used to transform and stardardise data for dissemination. The process does not invlove modification of datasets and any inconsistencies identified are investigated and modified in the source database. The feedback process continues until the final datasets are loaded into dissemination platforms for public access.
Database designDatabase design for publication is implemented based on the relational database model. Databases are consist of a collection of facts and classifications linked through the relational databases principles. All the facts and classifications are also detailed in the metadata document for the particular data. The metadata document is based on the SDMX standard.
Boundary alignmentThe South Afican dissemination geography is linked to the provicial, district municipality, local municipality and wards. When the boundaries change official statistics products are adjusted accordingly. All census products are adjusted to provide estimates for based on the current boundaries. With regard to the administrative data sources and surveys the alignment takes places at the source. In sample surveys the changes are reflected in the revision of the master sample.
Survey reweightingAfter every census the population estimates are revised to be based on the latest census information. All sample surveys use population estimates to compute final survey weights. The surveys are then revised based on the revised estimates and are republished.
Time-series index filesThe economic time-series are prepared based on a standard structure. The structure is also part of metadata. The columns and cells are also described based on the data items for the specific survey. The description of index file metadata is available here.
ManualsSuperSTAR Manual containing guide to SuperCROSS and SuperWEB2 is available here.