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Head Office

User Information Services
(012) 310-8911

Provincial Offices

Western Cape
(021) 481-5500

Northern Cape
(053) 802-6800

Eastern Cape
(043) 707-4900

Free State
(051) 412-7535

Kwazulu Natal
(031) 360-0600

North West
(018) 384-2877

(011) 781-3495

(013) 762-0000

(015) 295-3300

All datasets, metadata and the related material are available to download.

Quarterly Labour Force Survey 2024

Quarterly Labour Force Survey 2024

The Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) is a household-based sample survey conducted by Statistics South Africa (Stats SA). It collects data on the labour market activities of individuals aged 15 years and older who live in South Africa. However, this report only covers labour market activities of persons aged 15–64 years.

The unit record datasets, metadata, questionnaires and other associated documents are shared for each quarter of 2024. You may access the above information by selecting the quarter in which the study was conducted and, Select, to download.

Quarter 4 data   Select Comma Separated Values
  Select SPSS
  Select SAS (Syntax)
  Select STATA
Quarter 3 data   Select Comma Separated Values
  Select SPSS
  Select SAS (Syntax)
  Select STATA
Quarter 2 data   Select Comma Separated Values
  Select SPSS
  Select SAS (Syntax)
  Select STATA
Quarter 1 data   Select Comma Separated Values
  Select SPSS
  Select SAS (Syntax)
  Select STATA

Metadata and related documents
Quarter 4 metadata   Select Questionnaire
  Select Metadata
  Select Concepts and Definitions
  Select Guide
Quarter 3 metadata   Select Questionnaire
  Select Metadata
  Select Concepts and Definitions
  Select Guide
Quarter 2 metadata   Select Questionnaire
  Select Metadata
  Select Concepts and Definitions
  Select Guide
Quarter 1 metadata   Select Questionnaire
  Select Metadata
  Select Concepts and Definitions
  Select Guide
